048 – Do Russians believe in superstitions?
What do Russians think about superstitions? How they affect us? How they affect our daily life? I collected...
Russian Podcast / Season 1 (001-060)
by Max · Published August 6, 2019 · Last modified March 5, 2025
What do Russians think about superstitions? How they affect us? How they affect our daily life? I collected...
I’m going to tell you a story of Negligence and Fire. Once upon a time, there was a...
Greetings! Welcome to our Comprehensible Russian Podcast!^^ In the first part of this episode I’m going to answer...
In this Russian Podcast episode we discuss some thoughts from a book called “Чертоги разума. Убей в себе...
What does life in a small Russian town look like? Why people think about the government? Hi there,...
Don’t except me to talk about meditations and prayers, today we will talk about The only Truth! The...
Привет-привет!^^ I recorded this episode sitting by the side of a big lake during my last trip up...
Why we always have no time for something? Is this because we really do a lot of stuff...
The summer is going on. How do Russians spend summer? What do we do? What am I going...
Приветики! As I promised in the last episode of our Russian Podcast I do a bonus recording in...
In this Episode of our Russian Podcast I share with you my thoughts on why the virtual life...
No, no, no… I’m not gonna tell you about darkness, vampires, and horror films… although it sounds interesting...
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