Recent Podcast Episodes:
316 – Как быть здоровым и в хорошей форме без спортзала
March 28, 2025
315 – Жизнь в пузыре и как из него выбраться
March 20, 2025
314 – 2 года с ребёнком. Наш опыт
March 13, 2025
222 – Жизнь в эмиграции во время войны
March 15, 2023
176 – Война с Украиной и что думают люди в России
February 24, 2022
Tarja 63 Stolzenhain says:
cambusken says:
- About me Argentina autobiography Caucasus China coronavirus Crimea daily life Dialogue in Russian economy Education health internet Jobs language learning life in Russia medicine Moscow nature News in Russian new year patagonia Philosophy Politics Psychology Russia russian cars Russian history Russian History XX Russian language russian literature Russian music russian village Sabrina Social networks the USSR thinking thoughts trains transport Traveling travelling in Russia War wisdom Андрей Курпатов
The West’s fight is with the criminal, megalomaniac Putin and his weak, evil cronies, not with the good and honorable citizens of Russia. Hopefully this insanity will not wipe you and your business out completely despite the sanctions. All the best, and may the collective will and strength of all decent Russian people remove this abominable tyrannt from the world stage soonest. Glory to Ukraine and to all upstanding, decent, peace-loving Russians who are courageous enough to speak out
Hi Max, big fan of your approach and content for two years now and particularly respect your diplomatic and pragmatic approach to sensitive topics…..normally….
BUT!!! Equating the BBC, despite all its faults, in terms of truthfulness, with Russian TV even at the other end of the spectrum of opinion, is absolutely a step too far😂😂😂
Merely my opinion having used BBC media in the UK and overseas for many years now…
Keep up the good work nonetheless😁