Recent Podcast Episodes:
314 – 2 года с ребёнком. Наш опыт
March 13, 2025
313 – Как найти себя в жизни. Моя история
March 5, 2025
312 – Тренд на негатив в социальных сетях
February 28, 2025
222 – Жизнь в эмиграции во время войны
March 15, 2023
176 – Война с Украиной и что думают люди в России
February 24, 2022
Max says:
Ahmad Momand says:
- About me Argentina autobiography Caucasus China coronavirus Crimea daily life Dialogue in Russian economy Education internet Jobs language learning life in Russia medicine Moscow nature News in Russian new year patagonia Philosophy Politics Psychology Russia russian cars Russian history Russian History XX Russian language russian literature Russian music Russian north russian village Sabrina Social networks the USSR thinking thoughts trains transport Traveling travelling in Russia War wisdom Андрей Курпатов
Спасибо вам Макс и Диана за хороший подкаст и хороший конкурс!!
Спасибо Макс, Интересно слышать о Москве и посмотреть видео на Ютубе. Иногда, я пью пиво, но мне нравится “имбирное пиво”
В нем нет алкоголя, и вкус может быть лучше чем настоящое пиво.
Hi Max, Thanks for the podcast interview about education. Julia has some good ideas. I like the concept: love of learning. It would be good if students “learn to learn” and also have a love of learning. In school I had a physical education teacher who wanted students to love to be active in some way through out their lives.
The challenge in regular schools is that learning becomes boring and many students may lose the love for learning new things. To some extent this may be inevitable.
For example , it may be boring when you start to learn the piano or how to do algebra, but somewhere in school the idea of love of learning needs to be explored.
In the simplest form, learning is getting something from your short term memory into your long term memory. Studies now show that cramming /studying to take a test results in a loss of a lot of what you studied after a few weeks, and yet schools seem stuck on the test taking method. It would be good to have a school course just on learning and looking at the latest research on learning: How it affects your brain, spaced repetition, how emotional connection and enjoyment enhance learning, and how people learn differently (audio, kinesthetic , etc.) I guess schools also need to look at how to help students “find their passion” or find out what they are good at. Not everyone can be an airline pilot, not everyone can become a good teacher etc. There is an idea something like: “dream big, you can do or become anything you want to be” It is good to be inspirational and help people not limit themselves but I think it is healthy to realize not everyone will be Jimi Hendrix etc.
Thanks for your podcasts and videos. Chad
Спасибо Вам Макс и Катя за интересный подкаст! Звук был достаточно хорошо .