Recent Podcast Episodes:
316 – Как быть здоровым и в хорошей форме без спортзала
March 28, 2025
315 – Жизнь в пузыре и как из него выбраться
March 20, 2025
314 – 2 года с ребёнком. Наш опыт
March 13, 2025
222 – Жизнь в эмиграции во время войны
March 15, 2023
176 – Война с Украиной и что думают люди в России
February 24, 2022
Tarja 63 Stolzenhain says:
cambusken says:
- About me Argentina autobiography Caucasus China coronavirus Crimea daily life Dialogue in Russian economy Education health internet Jobs language learning life in Russia medicine Moscow nature News in Russian new year patagonia Philosophy Politics Psychology Russia russian cars Russian history Russian History XX Russian language russian literature Russian music russian village Sabrina Social networks the USSR thinking thoughts trains transport Traveling travelling in Russia War wisdom Андрей Курпатов
Well, I guess you are right Max. I say ‘I guess’ because I still feel the speech is too fast for me but I’ve just take a lesson about “speed reading” and what it says makes much sense: The faster the better concentration; the better concentration the better comprehension, for example when you drive a car, if you go very slowly you are not concentrated so much and you might miss a turn and even make some one have an accident. On the other hand if you drive faster, you have to contrate better, otherwise you would crash. So, if you were driving a formula 1 vehicle at a 300 Km per hour, you bet your concentration is as top level and you also top up your driving skills for sure! So like you said, It is just practice to the point to make it a habit to read and listen faster and it will really multiply your comprehension several times. You know Max? You are very smart for a Russian… =D Hahahaha You know I’m Just kidding. Actually I think the Russian language makes Russian people very intelligent. I’ve noticed that on Julia too. She really knows what she is talking about! Thank you guys! =)
I can only share with you guys that 3 of my children studied in the most expensive private school in Guatemala… unfortunately they had not informal education at all in such school. What a pity! Excellent Podcast! Thank you Max!
Hi Max, I am having problems reading my transcripts again. I am logged in but when I try to open a transcript, my account sends me to the purchase page to buy the Story telling lessons and the 1-30 episodes pack pack which I already bought. I think the problem is because I wet my computer and ruined it. I am using an older lap top which I had previously. Do you think that’s the problem? I haven’t been able to listen to your podcasts and read your transcripts for about one month because of this. What will happen when I bought a new lap top then? Will I have the same problem again? Any way with your help, I hope I can soon have access to your podcast transcripts as usual. Thank you in advance Max! Ronald
Hi Max, I have a question for which you might not have an answer: We are supposed to have comprenhensive interesning active listening in order to master a language. The problem is that we will not understand a podcast 100% but until we listen to it at least 2 or 3 times and it is when the podcast becomes totally comprenhensive. But after listening the podcast three or more times it becomes boring, I mean not very interesting because we already learned what the podcast is all about. So this is a point where a podcast turns comprenhensive but stops being interesting because to listen to it many times is actually boring. So how do you deal with this problem? Shall we listen to each podcast 3 or 4 times and then move into another one? Latter we might come back to the same podcast and listen to it another 2 or 3 times which would be interesting again because we might have forgotten some of the details and words. Do you think this is a good approach? I just think that listening to a podcast 10 times in one same week is boring; that is to say it becomes about 100% comprenhensive but not interesting any more.
Thank you for your whole answer Max. Right, we all are different in the way we learn. I get bored after 4 times of reading a podcast bu of course if some one finds a podcast interesting as to read it up to 10 or even 15 times, he can go ahead, he would sure be memorizing it. I must confess this was the way I learned English as my second language. I was totally convinced that a language had to be memorized in order to be spoken fluently. But Russian seems not to work in such way… I think it is impossible and unnecessary to memorize the Russian language. To get the language into our subconscious (like you say) seems more like the right way and my hope to learn to speak Russian well. Thank you for all your interesting podcasts and your fun teaching Max! lol
Hi Max, I have a question for which you might not have an answer: We are supposed to have comprenhensive interesning active listening in order to master a language. The problem is that we will not understand a podcast 100% but until we listen to it at least 2 or 3 times and it is when the podcast becomes totally comprenhensive. But after listening the podcast three or more times it becomes boring, I mean not very interesting because we already learned what the podcast is all about. So this is a point where a podcast turns comprenhensive but stops being interesting because to listen to it many times is actually boring. So how do you deal with this problem? Shall we listen to each podcast 3 or 4 times and then move into another one? Latter we might come back to the same podcast and listen to it another 2 or 3 times which would be interesting again because we might have forgotten some of the details and words. Do you think this is a good approach? I just think that listening to a podcast 10 times in one same week is boring; that is to say it becomes about 100% comprenhensive but not interesting any more.
хороший топик нo Я думаю что это видео слишком быстро для меня. честно говоря мне часто казалось, что вы, ребята, пытались говорить быстрее, чем друг с другом.
Я имею в виду предлагать добавлять в подкастe открытый вопроси, а не конкретные или закрытые вопросы.
Привет, Макс, да, я хотел бы предложить добавить вопросы в конце ваших подкастов, как ты сделаешь в своей истории TPRS. Это было бы здорово, потому что таким образом каждый подкаст давал бы нам возможность попрактиковаться в разговоре по-русски о том, что мы только что прочитали и изучили, что могло бы принести пользу.
Я не люблю телефон. Я не люблю мобильник. У меня нет проблема с телефоном но у меня есть проблема с компьютером. Я знаю это один и тот же. это цифровые зависимость. я использую компьютер чтобы читать книгу, учить русский язык, работать и так далее. Я сделаю всё с компьютером.(
Hi Max, I think it would be a good idea if you renew your Instagram account and have it specially for the study of Russian language. I don´t usually use my Instagram account; so it would be nice if I use it for the purpose of learning Russian.