Recent Podcast Episodes:
316 – Как быть здоровым и в хорошей форме без спортзала
March 28, 2025
315 – Жизнь в пузыре и как из него выбраться
March 20, 2025
314 – 2 года с ребёнком. Наш опыт
March 13, 2025
222 – Жизнь в эмиграции во время войны
March 15, 2023
176 – Война с Украиной и что думают люди в России
February 24, 2022
Tarja 63 Stolzenhain says:
cambusken says:
- About me Argentina autobiography Caucasus China coronavirus Crimea daily life Dialogue in Russian economy Education health internet Jobs language learning life in Russia medicine Moscow nature News in Russian new year patagonia Philosophy Politics Psychology Russia russian cars Russian history Russian History XX Russian language russian literature Russian music russian village Sabrina Social networks the USSR thinking thoughts trains transport Traveling travelling in Russia War wisdom Андрей Курпатов
Max, I noticed that you have stopped updating your videos on the Bilibili platform since May. I know that your viewership isn’t high there and this will trouble you, but I really missed your videos and they really helped me and a lot of russian learners like me in China. Since it’s not that convinient to use YouTube here, I’ll be so glad to see your new videos again.
Thank you for the excellent content and hope you and your family all the best in Yerevan.
max, I 100% agree with you on this topic.As a college student from China, I started learning English through listening ,communicating and reading from a young age.And although this method is much different from the teachings at school, I’ve always found my way much more enjoyable and effective,and my English have always been good.
I’ve been learning Russian in college for more than two years now, and my experience have been well…rather torturous. Although I did manage to improve though endless hours of studying Russian grammar and tediously reciting words, my interest in Russian learning have dwindled. It’s your podcast that helped me recover some of my interest in language learning and for that I really appreciate your work.
Thank you for another episode of solid and helpful content.
Ох, понятно, я уже нашёл все подкасты, Проблема решена😉.
Что-то случилось с сетью или эта проблема только моя?
Привет Макс, почему сегодня не могу видеть все подкаст кроме текстов 1-30? Это странно…